Before start her carrier famous hot Bengali actress Mim’s full family was leaving in Kumilla. Recently my full families accept father settles in Dhaka just think about my carries, she says. My father still living in Kumilla because his profession and come in Dhaka for 2-3 times a week to meet us. Sometime really feel very bad for my father, she still worked heard for us. Always we living together with my father but suddenly I need to live without my father that really heart-breaking for me.
Just before three years she was won the Lux Channel-I Superstar crown and after winning crown she was start to work in Bangladeshi TV and film media. Day by day she become as a most beautiful celebrity. And currently she is a top actress cum model in Dhallywood cinema and TV. She is very busy with work and working together in both media.
Photo: Bangladeshi actress cum model Mim
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