Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bindu will catch success in Dhallywood:

Lux Channel –I superstar beauty queen Bindu was already debut in Dhallywood Bengali film. But its not happy debut for her because Bindu’s first film “Piritir Agun Jole Digun” was super flop. Everybody was blaming the movie heroin Bindu and hero Emon for flop this film. Lot of cinema expert told that the audiences of Dhallywood movie does’nt accept Bindu and Emon in this film.

For this reason, Bindu was little upset about her carrier but she doesn’t want to stop work and take challenge again to work for new film. And recently she was finished her new movie shooting. It’s a romantic movie and name “Ai Tow Prem”. This time actress Bindu has gets Dhallywood King Shakib Khan as her hero in the film.  Everybody now hope that this time celebrity Bindu will catch her success in Dhallywood.

Photo: Bangladeshi celebrities Bindu and Shakib Khan scene shot from movie "Ai Tow Prem".

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