After long time break a glamorous singer Shakila Jafor's from Bangladesh has a new audio album coming out soon. She hasn't released any audio album after 2008 because of she was busy with her family. The title of her last album is "Dushto Kore Misti Bolo" which was released 2 years ago. Already her 14 album are available in the market, without those also she was performed in lot of mix album. Current hot news, Shakila Jafor is going to release her 15th audio album just before Eid. She's already started the song recording for this album. But she still not able to decided what to call the album. The album contains 9 songs. All the song is selected by singer Shakila Jafor and tune by Shoaib Chawdhury.
The Bengali singer Shakila Jafor is very confident about success on her new album. She has already listened to all the song in this album and she said the songs are very melodious and romantic. I believe that the songs will be touching the heart of all listeners.
Photo: Bangladeshi celebrity singer Shakila Jafor image.
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